UGH. What a horrible week. Not only did I receive upsetting/disappointing news about TWO of my ex’s, but Monday was the most crowded my office has ever been-we counseled, in person over 450 people!!!! During regular business hours! Then, I had class Tuesday and Wednesday. I also live in NY, and there was that little bugger of an ice storm. Then I had my first day at my internship Thursday. Not only have I NOT been following my diet, I completely went against it. Looking to get back on track this weekend. I just need to stop making excuses.

UGH. Is it the weekend YET?!?!

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Bad news for me. I weigh 165. What a fail. My official weigh-in days will be Sundays though. Why Sunday, you ask? Well, I hardly ever go to the gym on Sundays, so by making that my weigh-in day, I’ll be forced to go to the gym!

Yesterday, at the gym, I didn’t do too much, because I also needed to go food shopping before the snowstorm (I had off from work today!! wooo!!!).


30 minutes on the elliptical at resistance 8. 15 minutes going forward, 15 backward

25 minutes on a stationary bike, resistance 9

10 minutes of walking on the treadmill at a 6.5 incline

10 minutes of walking/sprinting on the treadmill.




I’m going to post my pulled pork and chili recipes later today, complete with pictures!

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(Expect early morning posts to be random and disjointed. I’m NOT a morning person. People that wake up for the gym? So not me)

The title of this blog is ‘losing the wait’ because I need to stop procrastinating when it comes to my diet, fitness and health, and who doesn’t enjoy a play on words. I must give credit where credit is due, however, and thank my friend Kristina for coming up with this fun title. Thank you Kris 🙂

On this blog, I will be tracking my progress. The last time I weighed myself (about a month ago) I was 163 lbs (I am 5’9). I will weigh myself tonight at the gym and give you all the verdict tomorrow. My ultimate goal is 145 lbs. 140 lbs would be amazing, but the only time I was 140, I was leading a very active lifestyle and was eating very little, so I don’t know if my busy life can accommodate the gym time I need to be at 140…

This blog will also contain recipes, and my successes (and inevitably, many failures) when it comes to cooking. I will also share some of my exercise routines and ideally, I’d love to have enough people following my blog to ask questions, to answer my questions, and just be a great online support system.

~I just have a quick rant about the weather.
Because it’s snowing, again
But I have places to go, I have people to see…

Monday’s prediction for the snowstorm: about 3 inches of snow.
Tuesday’s prediction: 5 inches
Right now: Expect 7.3 inches, NOW!



Okay, so enough with the weather talk. How about food!?!? I’m curious, who out there actually eats three healthy meals a day? Or 5/6 small meals throughout the day? Unfortunately, I’m not organized enough to do that. I do drink 8 glasses of water a day, though!

My hurdles regarding meals include:


  • I can’t eat in the morning. Have no appetite.
  • I like sleeping in. I do not like waking up earlier to cook breakfast.
  • Eggs gross me out..and most other breakfast options are bagels, pancakes, etc, and I don’t want to put carbs in me that early in the day.

*Instead, a typical breakfast includes:



  • I always forget about making it at night.

*Instead, a typical lunch includes:

  • Pack of sunchips from vending machine.


  • No problem with dinner, because of my…CROCKPOT ❤

Since I realize I need to space out my eating, and that I pig out at night because I deprive myself during the day, I’ve concocted a plan of action.

  1. I will bring a fruit to work with me. This way, after my LBC, I have something to munch on that’s not messy. And it will help with my sweet tooth.
  2. I’ll buy a huge pack of chicken, throw it in the slow cooker, then mix that with some spinach leaves. Thus, I have my lunch for a week.

We’ll see how this goes, especially with classes starting next week. I’m going to be busy, but hopefully all that running around will help me lose weight and stick to a schedule!

So, I plan on heading to the gym after work and eating some of my pork that I’ve been slow roasting for 1o hrs. This hunk o’meat will be my lunch until I run out. I’m also going to plan on making some kind of beef/chili concoction tonight.


How much will I weigh?

How will the pork taste?

Will the snow impede my evening commute or worse, stop me from getting into work tomorrow?

{{dun dun dun}}

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